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AirSafe PM
Precise PM1, PM2.5, PM4.25, PM10 and TSP monitoring in indoor ambient air.
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Indoor Monitor for Dust Exposure for PM1, PM2.5, PM4.25, PM10, TSP
AirSafe PM
VIEW 370
Multi-sensor dust monitor designed for high quality emission measurement in industrial stacks after bag filters, cartridge filters, cyclones and process driers
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𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤™ Dust Monitor
VIEW 370
VIEW 580
Stand alone Cross Stack optical dust monitor suitable for measuring emissions after electrostatic precipitators and stacks without filtration systems
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𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘖𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺™ Dust Monitor
VIEW 580
MP101M + OPM
MP101M Beta gauge monitor with its optional OPM (Optical Particulate Monitor)
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Automatic & Real-Time Suspended Particulate Monitor
MP101M + OPM
VIEW 273
Multi-sensor dust monitor for indicative emissions trending in industrial stacks after bag filters, cartridge filters, cyclones and process driers, where regulatory approvals are not necessary
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𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤™ Dust Monitor
VIEW 273
Controller based filter dust leak monitor for filter emissions monitoring after bag houses, cartridge filters, cyclones etc. where performance approvals are not required
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𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤™ Filter Dust/Leak Monitor
VIEW 800
Multi-Sensor Dust Monitor certified to category 1 under ATEX / IECEx designed for indicative emissions trending and measurement in challenging hazardous zone
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𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤™ Multi-Sensor Dust Monitor
VIEW 800
VIEW 820
Certified Multi-sensor dust monitor – category 1 under ATEX / IECEx – for indicative emissions trending and measurement in hazardous zone and in dry processess with elevated pressures.
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ElectroDynamic Dust Monitor
VIEW 820
Continuous solids mass flow measurement in dense-stream conveying and high levels of throughput
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Flow measurement for dense-phase conveying
M-Sens WR3
Sensor for continuous moisture measurement in dry bulk solids
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Online residual moisture measurement
M-Sens WR3
SlideControl 2.0
Microwave sensor for contactless monitoring of material flow in air slides. Easy to install, it gives trending information by 4… 20mA output
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Flow monitoring on air slides
SlideControl 2.0
Perfectly adapted for control and regulation of reagent in flue gas treatment and transport lines with very low material concentration
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Flow Measurement at low solid/air ratios
QAL 260
MCERTS QAL1 approved, stand alone or multi-sensor Particulate CEM providing high quality emission measurement for low dust concentrations from dry industrial processes
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MCERTS Approved Back Scatter Particulate CEM
QAL 260
FlowJam 𝘗𝘭𝘶𝘴
Material flow monitoring with Flow/No Flow information plus additional “Detection of blockage” or “Material flow interruption” function (Jam/NoJam)
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Material flow monitor with blockage detection
FlowJam 𝘗𝘭𝘶𝘴
The LEAK LOCATE 662 is a digitally networked, multi-compartment baghouse monitoring system providing remote observation of the condition of bag and cartridge filters. Condition Monitoring
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Filter Performance Monitors - Condition Based Monitoring
FlowJam S
Microwave sensor for contactless monitoring of material flows with trend monitoring
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Continuous material flow detection with trend monitoring
FlowJam S
M-Sens 3
Microwave sensor for continuous moisture measurement in dry bulk solids, with flow detection and process temperature measurement
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Moisture measurement with temperature display and material flow monitoring
M-Sens 3
PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 fine dust concentration measurement in the range 0-10,000 μg/m3 according the ISO 10473 Standard. QAL 1 certified and US EPA approved.
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Continuous, Automatic Suspended Particulate Monitor
SolidFlow 2.0
Continuous mass flow measurement of all types of dust, powder and granules in free fall and pneumatic conveying
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Solids mass flow measurement up to 20 t/h
SolidFlow 2.0
MaxxFlow HTC
Contact-less and maintenance free measurement of high mass flow rates of dry bulk solids independent of pipe run
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Mass flow measurement for dry bulk solids
MaxxFlow HTC
MCERTS EN 15859 Filter Dust Approved Particulate monitoring system providing high quality emission measurement for low dust concentrations from dry industrial processes including Baghouses and Cartridge Filters
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𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤™ Approved Particulate CEM
Microwave sensor for contactless monitoring of material flow and detection of material blockage
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Continuous material flow detection (Flow / NoFlow)
TÜV approved particulate monitor providing high quality emission measurement for low dust concentrations from dry industrial processes including Baghouses and Cartridge Filters
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𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤™ Approved Particulate CEM
TÜV approved DynamicOpacity™ particulate monitor for emission measurement of dust from large dry industrial processes including Baghouses and Electrostatic Precipitators
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𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘖𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺™ Particulate CEM
FlowJam Plus-Software
Software for: FlowJam Plus
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FlowJam Plus-Software
FlowJam Plus-Software
The VOC72M’s metrology, in accordance with EN 14662-3 (2005) & EN 15267-1 (2009) standard for benzene measurement, is based on gas chromatography (GC) coupled with a photo-ionization detector (PID).
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Volatile Organic Compounds Analyzer BTEX
QAL1 approved particulate CEM which meets US EPA PS-1 requirements for Opacity monitoring from combustion stacks
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Opacity QAL1 Approved Particulate CEM
Dust products – Customer software
Software for: Dusty, Dusty C, AirSafe 2, FlowJam T
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Dust products – Customer software
Multi-Sensor-Software MSE300
Multi-sensor-evaluation unit for: SolidFlow 2.0, MaxxFlow HTC, SlideControl, ProSens, DensFlow, PicoFlow, M-Sens 2, M-Sens 3, M-Sens WR2, Paddy, SpeedFlow 2.0, AirFlow P
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Multi-Sensor-Software MSE300
Multi-Sensor-Software MSE300
Approved flue gas velocity CEM for stack velocity, volumetric flow and pollutant mass release calculations when linked to Gas and Dust CEMS
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𝘍𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘚𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤™ Approved Flue Gas Velocity CEM
Approved Flue Gas Velocity CEM for stack velocity, volumetric flow and pollutant mass release calculations when linked to Gas and Dust CEMS
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Approved Flue Gas Velocity CEM for stack velocity, volumetric flow and pollutant mass release calculations when linked to Gas and Dust CEMS
M-Sens NIR
ENVEA M-Sens NIR is near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy technology. Utilizing an intelligent software solution the M-Sens NIR delivers instant, accurate and nondestructive, non-contact moisture measurement.
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Contactless online moisture measurement for solids
M-Sens NIR
DM 170
The DM 170 is designed to comply with the TÜV suitability testing scheme to EN 15267 and for measuring dust concentrations in a wide range of industrial applications.
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Light Scatter Particulate Emission Monitor
DM 170
FlowJam T
FlowJam T is a sensor that has been specially developed for monitoring the flow of solids that are conveyed through thin pipelines.
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Powder flow monitoring in flexible pipelines
FlowJam T
AirFlow P
Measurement of the volume flow, especially in dusty applications. Easy installation on existing ducts, no Venturi or similar conversions are required. Can be used in environments with low dust loads or in harsh conditions with e. g. high temperature or high dust loads.
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Volume flow measurement
AirFlow P
AC32e dilution
CLD based gas monitor offering superior performances for the measurement of NO, NO2 and Nox in the range 0-4000 µg/m3 based on 100/200 Dilution Rate
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e-Series Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer NO, NOx & NO₂
AC32e dilution
UT-3000 NG mobile
Perfectly adapted to monitor the efficiency of different Mercury Removal Units (MRUs) in natural gas processing plants.
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Mobile Mercury Ultratrace analyzer for natural gas
UT-3000 NG mobile
CO12e dilution
Non Dispersive Infra Red Carbon Monoxide Analyzer for CO measurements in the range 0-50ppm. CO2 monitoring as option
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e-Series carbon oxides Analyzer CO
CO12e dilution
Automatic system designed for continuous mercury monitoring in natural gas even in hazardous zones (ATEX, IEC-Ex)
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Automatic mercury monitoring in natural gas
AF22e dilution
UV Fluorescence gas monitor offering excellent performances for the monitoring of SO2 in the range 0-10 ppm or 0-1 ppm
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e-Series Sulfur dioxides Analyzer SO₂
AF22e dilution
The MMS basically comprises a multiplexer-valve unit and a highly accurate and selective mercury detector (VM-3000 Vapor Monitor) for measurements in air and other gases
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Automatic mercury monitoring in air and gases
HC51M dilution
Using a proven flame ionisation detector (FID), the analyzer HC51M measures ambient air hydrocarbons (THC, CH4, nmHC) in the range 0-1000 ppm.
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Total Hydrocarbons FID Analyzer
HC51M dilution
QAL 182 WS
QAL1 approved ProScatter™ particulate CEM for the extractive sampling and measurement of particulate in saturated wet gas streams
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Particulate CEM for wet gas streams
QAL 182 WS
LabAnalyzer 254
The LabAnalyzer is the perfect solution for quantitative determination of mercury in aqueous samples and sample digests in the laboratory.
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Fast mercury determination in analytical applications
LabAnalyzer 254
QAL 991
QAL1 approved particulate CEM providing high quality emission measurement for low dust concentrations from dry industrial processes including Baghouses and Cartridge Filters
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𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤™ QAL1 Approved Particulate CEM
QAL 991
The dry extractive SEC™ system dries the gas sample at the sampling point, eliminating the necessity of an expensive heated sampling line.
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Stack gas sampling system
The HOFI™ BOX offers an exclusive sampling system dedicated to heated analyzers. Ideal for corrosive gases. (Plug & play sampling solution for: MIR FT, MIR 9000H, Graphite 52, Topaze 32M,…).
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Heated Sampling System
The LCPD BOX is a full extractive sampling probe assembly which extracts the sample gas through a probe & heated filter to remove particulates.
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Heated Sampling System
MIR 9000e
Eco-designed, ultra-compact, smart & connected instrument, the MIR 9000e is your next tool to measure combustion exhaust gas from boiler, or gas from different industrial furnaces and process applications.
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NDIR-GFC Multi-Gas Analyzer
MIR 9000e
NG Sampling System 3000
The Natural Gas Sampling System 3000 is designed for very fast conditioning of samples from a pressurized natural gas source
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Sample conditioning system for natural gas
NG Sampling System 3000
MC 3000
The MC-3000 generates a continuous stream of a mercury vapor loaded gas in order to check or calibrate mercury analyzers
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Generation of mercury calibration gas
MC 3000
This is an accesory for the UT-3000 Mercury Ultratracer in monitoring systems at low to intermediate mercury concentrations
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Automatic calibration unit for UT-3000
This accessory meant for manually calibrating the UT-3000 Mercury Ultratracer
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Manual Calibration Set for UT-3000
DM 210
Using the patented ElectroDynamic™ technology the DUST MONITOR 210 is a Filter Leak Monitor suited to filter control applications after fabric dust filter type (baghouse) arrestment plant.
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Particulate Filter Dust Monitor
DM 210
Precise PM1, PM2.5, PM4.25, PM10 and TSP monitoring in indoor ambient air.
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e-Series Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer NO, NOx & NO₂
LAS 5000XD
The In-Situ TDLS gas analyzer has been designed for meeting the requirements of a large range of CEMS and Process applications.
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In-Situ cross duct laser (TDLS) gas analyzer
LAS 5000XD
UV Fluorescence gas monitor offering excellent performances for the monitoring of SO2 in the range 0-10 ppm or 0-1 ppm. Option: H2S / TRS monitoring
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e-Series Sulfur dioxides Analyzer SO₂
Gas monitor for fast, precise, direct and continuous measurement of NO2 concentrations in the range 0-1000 ppb
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CAPS Nitrogen Dioxide Analyzer NO₂
MVS 2M is a multichannel system allowing to distribute two, three or four channels of fluids and signals to a gas monitoring system (GMS).
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Multiplexing CEMS Management System
Non Dispersive Infra Red Carbon Monoxide Analyzer for CO measurements in the range 0-50ppm. CO2 monitoring as option
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e-Series carbon oxides Analyzer CO
Eco-designed, ultra-compact, smart & connected continuous gas analyzer, for emission or process gas monitoring. Perfectly suited to control SO2 removal efficiency in processes using Flue-gas desulfurization FGD / DeSOx systems.
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SO₂ UV absorption Analyzer
Exists in single or dual stream version and “Ultra Low” version for low CO concentration measurements (0-10 to 0-50 ppm) Installed downstream a chiller, controlled at 4°C.
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CO, CO₂ and O₂ multi-gas infra-red analyzer
Rack 3U monitor using the TDL extractive technology to measure online the NH3 pre and/or post catalyst: SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) or SNCR (Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction)
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Laser Gas Detection Module NH₃ (TDLS)
Flue gas flowmeter for continuous measurement of gas velocity, temperature and pressure in exhaust gas ducts (chimneys or flue pipes). Micro-Venturi technology.
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Micro-venturi Flue Gas Velocity CEM
Using a proven flame ionisation detector (FID), the analyzer HC51M measures ambient air hydrocarbons (THC, CH4, nmHC) in the range 0-1000 ppm.
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Total Hydrocarbons FID Analyzer
AirSafe 2
Continuous dust monitoring in ambient air: control system areas, silo areas, boiler houses, work stations
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Ambient air dust monitoring
AirSafe 2
LED based, UV Photometric Ozone Analyzer providing accurate, stable and repeatable O3 measurements in the range of 0-500 ppb or 0-10 ppm
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e-Series Ozone analyzer O₃
SM-5 mercury CEMS
Beneficiary of over 20 years of experience in mercury measurement, the new SM-5 CEMS Hg analyzer is designed to provide extremely accurate and reliable continuous measurements of very low concentrations of Hg in flue gas emissions.
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Total mercury emissions monitor in stack flue gases
SM-5 mercury CEMS
Cairsens® SO₂
The Cairsens© sensor allows specific pollutant measurement comparable to reference methods. The high quality sensors are renowned worldwide by our customers looking for the newest technologies in air quality monitoring.
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Miniature solution for real-time continuous SO₂ monitoring
Cairsens® SO₂
PC-ME DUST TOOLS software is a powerful and customisable software suite for downloading, displaying, analysing, and reporting data from ENVEA Control Units
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Cairsens® O₃ + NO₂
The Cairsens© sensor allows specific pollutant measurement comparable to reference methods. The high quality sensors are renowned worldwide by our customers looking for the newest technologies in air quality monitoring.
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Miniature solution for real-time continuous O₃ + NO₂ monitoring
Cairsens® O₃ + NO₂
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘚𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳™ Extractive
Extractive ProScatter™ technology provides a unique solution to the growing number of challenging applications for wet stack measurement of dust concentration.
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Technology for wet stack measurement of dust concentration
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘚𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳™ Extractive
𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤™ Probe Electrification
ElectroDynamic™ probe electrification measurement technology is unique to ENVEA, and is highly suitable for monitoring industrial applications in which emissions are reduced by bagfilters.
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Technology for quantitative and qualitative monitoring for filter dust, filter leak and broken bag detection
𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤™ Probe Electrification
Cairsens® NO₂
The Cairsens© sensor allows specific pollutant measurement comparable to reference methods. The high quality sensors are renowned worldwide by our customers looking for the newest technologies in air quality monitoring.
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Miniature solution for real-time continuous NO₂ monitoring
Cairsens® NO₂
𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘖𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺™ Ratiometric Opacity
DynamicOpacity™ Ratiometric Opacity technology provides a rugged solution to dust concentration measurement for the dust loadings found after Electrostatic Precipitators or in large stacks in Power, Steel, Cement Plant.
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Technology for dust concentration measurement after Electrostatic Precipitators or in large stacks
𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘖𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺™ Ratiometric Opacity
Cairsens® CO
The Cairsens© sensor allows specific pollutant measurement comparable to reference methods. The high quality sensors are renowned worldwide by our customers looking for the newest technologies in air quality monitoring.
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Miniature solution for real-time continuous CO monitoring
Cairsens® CO
Opacity provides a proven and recognized solution for the higher dust loadings found after unabated combustion processes or after Electrostatic Precipitators in the Power, Steel and Cement Industries.
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Technology for the higher dust loadings found after unabated combustion processes or after Electrostatic Precipitators
Cairsens® H₂S / CH₄S
The Cairsens© sensor allows specific pollutant measurement comparable to reference methods. The high quality sensors are renowned worldwide by our customers looking for the newest technologies in air quality monitoring.
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Miniature solution for real-time continuous H₂S / CH₄S monitoring
Cairsens® H₂S / CH₄S
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘗𝘪𝘵𝘰𝘵™ Technology
ENVEA’s innovative ProPitot™ measurement technique is an averaging pitot technology providing a representative high quality and reliable Flue Gas Velocity measurement for industrial stacks for regulatory flow rate and mass emission reporting (kg/year).
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Technology for Flue Gas Velocity measurement
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘗𝘪𝘵𝘰𝘵™ Technology
Cairsens® NH₃
The Cairsens© sensor allows specific pollutant measurement comparable to reference methods. The high quality sensors are renowned worldwide by our customers looking for the newest technologies in air quality monitoring.
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Miniature solution for real-time continuous NH₃ monitoring
Cairsens® NH₃
𝘍𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘚𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤™ Technology
ENVEA’s unique FlueSonic™ technology and mathematical measurement algorithm allows the signal transit time to be measured accurately in real stack conditions enabling high quality assurance on emission release data, reporting mass emissions (kg/year) as well as concentration monitoring.
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Technology for signal transit time to be measured accurately in real stack conditions
𝘍𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘚𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤™ Technology
Cairsens® nmVOC
The Cairsens© sensor allows specific pollutant measurement comparable to reference methods. The high quality sensors are renowned worldwide by our customers looking for the newest technologies in air quality monitoring.
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Miniature solution for real-time continuous nmVOC monitoring
Cairsens® nmVOC
PM Cairsens® PM1, PM2.5 & PM10
The last generation of Cairsens® micro-sensors for Particulate Matters (PM) monitoring operates without any influence from moisture in ambient air. They measure PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations.
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Miniature solution for real-time continuous PM1, PM2.5 & PM10 monitoring
PM Cairsens® PM1, PM2.5 & PM10
MIR 9000P
The MIR 9000P belongs to the new generation of ENVEA gas monitors, showcasing eco-design, IoT and on board intelligence.
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Portable Multi-Gas Analyzer NDIR-GFC
MIR 9000P
Gas chromatography (GC) coupled with a PID detector. VOC monitor QAL1 certified to EN 14662-3, the newest standard for benzene measurement
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Volatile Organic Compounds Analyzer BTEX
The MGC101 system automatically performs zero, precision, span and multi-point calibrations using NO, NO2, SO2, CO, 03, hydrocarbons and other gases.
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Multi-gas calibrator for ambient air gas analyzers
Pure air generator, capable of continuous delivery of up to 20 standard liters per minute (SLPM) of dry, contaminant-free air
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Zero Air Generator for ambient air gas analyzers
Data acquisition and management module (logger & router) handling all parameters: gas analyzers, dust monitors, meteorological and temperature sensors…
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Data acquisition and management system
Data acquisition, processing and reporting software, able to handle networkly thousands of AQMS stations and monitors in a town, city or region.
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AQMS air pollution data processing & reporting software
Caircloud® is a web platform allowing continuous and real-time data acquisition and processing.
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Air pollution data processing & reporting web platform
Cairnet® device is a real-time standalone and networkable air-monitoring station including up to six Cairsens® microsensors. It is powered by solar panels and offers cellular communication.
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Autonomous networks of sensor-based mini-stations
Ultrasonic anemometer for Cairnet®
The device measures wind speed and direction and is powered by its integrated solar panel. It also has a rechargeable lithium battery (located under the ultrasonic plate).
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Wind speed and direction sensor
Ultrasonic anemometer for Cairnet®
Cairnet® DATA+
Cairnet® DATA+ is a real-time air quality monitoring station including up to six Cairsens® micro-sensors.
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Sensor-based mini-stations
Cairnet® DATA+
GASTEC Detector Tubes
Gastec detector tubes are single gas, single use tubes for measuring the concentration of over 500 specific gases and vapours in hazardous & toxic environments quickly and easily.
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Single use tubes for measuring the concentration of over 500 specific gases and vapours
GASTEC Detector Tubes
ENVEA Connect™
Mobile app for full emulation of e-Series analyzers (O342e, AC32e, AF22e, CO12e, VOC72e, AS32M, MP101M, MIR 9000e, MIR 9000ASD, MIR 9000P)
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App for analyzer remote control
ENVEA Connect™
MIR 9000
Offers excellent performance for multigas measurements in dry sampling, including HCl, HF, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, CO, CH4, TOC, CO2 and O2.
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Multi-Gas NDIR-GFC analyzer
MIR 9000
MIR 9000H
Perfect ammonia gas analyzer or multi-gas analyzer for the measurement in hot & wet flue-gas of: HCl, HF, NH3, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, CO, CO2, O2 and H2O.
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Heated Multi-Gas NDIR-GFC analyzer
MIR 9000H
MIR 9000 CLD
Standard Reference CLD method for low & ultra low NOx measurement, IR-GFC for CO, CO2, SO2, N2O, Nox, HF, HCl, TOC and O2 in a single analyzer
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Multi-Gas IR-GFC analyzer
MIR 9000 CLD
FTIR analyzer in a turnkey cabinet for the measurement of up to 50 parameters, to be selected according to the application. MCERTs certified
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FTIR Multi-Gas Analyzer
Graphite 52M
One of the sole QAL 1 certified FID analyzers on the market, also available in a transportable version for the measurement of: THC or simultaneous THC, nmHC & CH4
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Heated Flame Ionization Detection (FID) Analyzer
Graphite 52M
A complete “all in one compact” system, for multi-gas measurements, based on the field-proven MIR 9000 analyzer and on-board SEC sampling system
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In-situ Close-coupled Multi-Gas Analyzer
Meets the US EPA Performances Standard 12 B mentioned in the US Portland Cement Rules and the new MATS (Mercury and Air Toxics Standards)
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Mercury Sorbent Trap System
The SM-3 mercury analyzer measures continuously the elemental, bound and ionic mercury in stack fluegas
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Automatic Mercury Stack Gas Monitor
QAL 1 certified for continuous, accurate and reliable measurement of total mercury emissions, even in very low concentrations and within complex matrices (SO2, NOx, HCl, etc.)
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Total mercury emissions monitor in stack flue gases, QAL 1 certified
SM-4 mobile
Technically identical to the SM-4, this device is ideal for mercury determination at varying sites.
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Modular Mercury Stack Gas Monitor
SM-4 mobile
Continuous dioxin and furan emission monitoring by long-term sampling. TÜV and MCERTs certified, ETV EPA approved and in accordance with Standards EN 1948-1, CEN/TS 1948-5
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Dioxins & Furans Permanent Sampler
Biogenic or carbon-neutral stack CO2 gas can be deductible from any company’s greenhouse gas inventory which is required for reporting under various regulations.
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Continuous monitoring of Biogenic CO₂ emissions
MCERTs certified software for emission data acquisition, processing and regulatory reporting
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Data Acquisition & regulatory reporting
US EPA PS11 capable ProScatter™ particulate CEM for the extractive sampling and measurement of particulate in saturated wet gas streams
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Particulate CEM for wet gas streams
QAL 181
QAL1 Approved ProScatter™ particulate CEM providing high quality emission measurement of low dust concentrations from dry industrial processes
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QAL1 Forward Scatter Particulate CEM
QAL 181
US EPA PS11 compliant ProScatter™ particulate CEM providing high quality emission measurement for low dust concentrations from industrial processes
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PS11 Capable Forward Scatter Particulate CEM
Mercury Tracker-3000 XS
Very small, ultra-light, with on-board GPS, data logger, battery pack and color TFT display for very comfortable and easy mercury monitoring in ambient air and other gases
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All-in-one Portable real-time Hg monitor
Mercury Tracker-3000 XS
QAL 360
TÜV QAL1 and MCERTS Approved, Stand alone or networked system option Particulate CEM providing high quality emission measurement for dust concentrations from industrial processes
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QAL1 Approved Back Scatter Particulate CEMS
QAL 360
DensFlow HP
Continuous flow measurement of powder or granules in high pressure dense-phase conveying.
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Flow measurement for dense-phase conveying
DensFlow HP
M-Sens 2
Microwave sensor for continuous moisture measurement in dry bulk solids
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Online residual moisture measurement
M-Sens 2
Cost effective broken bag detection
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Broken Bag Detection
PA-2 / PA2-Gold
The mercury analyzer PA-2 is used for continuous monitoring of mercury concentrations in industrial processes.
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Mercury analyzer for water and aqueous solutions in Process applications
PA-2 / PA2-Gold
Dusty C
Continuously monitors particulate flow for signs of filter damage or broken filter bags. Compact and cost effective
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Compact sensor for Broken Bag Detection
Dusty C
Provides continuous measurement values for dust concentration as a trend signal or absolute values
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Dust measurement after filters
Perfectly adapted for continuous Air Quality monitoring, laboratories, environmental surveillance, quality control, etc.
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Mercury Vapor Monitor for continuous measurements in air and other gases
SpeedFlow 2.0
Continous speed measurement for solids usable in free fall and pneumatics
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Velocity measurement for solids
SpeedFlow 2.0
SpeedFlow 2.0-Pipe
Velocity measurement in full cross-section version. Continuous velocity measurement in tube version for careful material transport. Measures in full cross-section.
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Velocity measurement, material transport
SpeedFlow 2.0-Pipe
Paddy has been developed to supply a trending information of pulverization. It measures changes in particle size for instance to detect screen breaks. Paddy is insensitive against contaminations and works without a bypass.
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Particle size monitoring
ProGap 2.0
Microwave barrier for contactless detection of dry bulk solids in containers, pipes or chutes. Reliable fill level and limit detection
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Point level monitoring
ProGap 2.0
ProGap 2.0-BS
Microwave barrier for contactless detection of dry bulk solids with filling-signal-suppression
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Point level monitoring
ProGap 2.0-BS
Nico 120
Radar sensor for measuring the level in silos and containers. Available for silos up to 120 m height. Can be used for a wide variety of materials, regardless of the size or composition of the material.
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Continuous level monitoring
Nico 120
Controller based Gross filter failure detector. Detects significant increases in particulate loading providing warnings of filter media degradation in baghouses and cartridge filters.
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𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤™ Broken Bag Detector
Stand alone TÜV approved filter dust monitor suited to the measurement of filter emissions after bag houses, cartridge filters, cyclones etc.
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𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤™ Filter Dust/Leak Monitor
Stand alone TÜV approved filter dust leak monitor suited to the monitoring of filter emissions after bag houses, cartridge filters, cyclones etc
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𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤™ Filter Dust/Leak Monitor
Measuring of Total Gaseous Mercury (TGM) in air and other gases. Reliable for measurements at ultra-trace levels (sub-ng/m3) according to EN 15852.
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Total Gaseous Mercury (TGM) ultratracer
Stand alone filter dust leak monitor for filter emissions monitoring after baghouses, cartridge filters, cyclones etc. where performance approvals are not required
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𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤™ Filter Dust/Leak Monitor
Controller based filter dust leak monitor for filter emissions monitoring after bag houses, cartridge filters, cyclones etc. Condition Monitoring
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𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘋𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘤™ Multi-chamber Filter Performance Monitor