Industries & Markets


Asphalt plants deal with a harsh environment and are subject to great mechanical and thermal constraints. Process monitoring and optimization is becoming an increasingly important issue for plants, especially in terms of energy savings.
Working closely with many of the world’s leading asphalt producers, ENVEA has developed an in-depth understanding of monitoring conditions faced by the plants.
As a result, ENVEA offers a specific package of rugged and reliable online measurement solutions helping plants to optimize their process : moisture measurement, filter performance monitoring, etc.
Asphalt Production process
(click on the blue dots on the diagram to see the measurement solutions interactively)
Flow rate measurement for pulverized fuel
Moisture content monitoring of several materials featured in the production process is a significant element that can be leveraged in order to optimize operating parameters and improve its efficiency.
Moisture measurement can be implemented on the following materials:
  • on aggregates of all sizes, such as sand, that are sent to the rotary kiln via cold conveyors
  • on recycled materials inserted in the mixing tower.
  • on bitumen injected in the mixing tower. Requirement: it needs to be dry and cold.
ENVEA’s solution: M-Sens
Customer benefits:
  • Optimized dryer combustion, reduced gas consumption
  • Time saving and product quality improvement thanks to online and continuous moisture measurement
Material flow monitoring
Due to the harsh conditions within the process, material flow monitoring is essential to ensuring a better yield of the final product and thus increasing the productivity.
ENVEA’s solution: FlowJam
Customer benefits:
  • Quick detection of production stoppages
  • Reduced downtime and maintenance
Level and limit detection
Minimum and maximum level detection at various points within the asphalt plant is critical.
If silos, bucket elevators, chutes and hoppers are overfilled or insufficiently this will lead to blockages and plant downtime.
ENVEA’s solution: ProGap
Customer benefits:
  • Online warning of materials level
  • Quick detection of production jams
Filter performance monitoring
Optimizing filter performance is key to ensuring the smooth running of production facilities. The ability to identify or predict filter failure ensures production is kept at its required demand.
ENVEA’s solution: LEAK ALERT
Customer benefits:
  • Reduced downtime
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced filter replacement costs
Emission monitoring
Continuous measurement of particulate emission flow and concentration enables to meet and exceed national and international standards.
That can be achieved through ENVEA’s ElectroDynamic™ range of products designed for use in harsh environments.
ENVEA’s solution: STACK, VIEW or STACKFLOW range, DUST TOOL software
Customer benefits:
  • Compliance with Emission Limit Values (ELV)
  • Reduced environmental impact
Ambient air quality monitoring or/and process leak detection
Real-time odour monitoring (ex: H2S), particulate leaking and PM sizing can help to better identify environmental issues as well as protecting the workforce/neighbours from exposure to hazardous material.
ENVEA’s solution: Cairsens® micro-sensors (H2S and PM), AirSafe
Customer benefits:
  • Help to reduce environmental impact on population
  • Anticipate at-risk situations
  • Reduce maintenance costs
Power Generation
Food & Beverage
Process we work