Mehrgas-Kalibrator für Umgebungsluft-Gasanalysatoren


Das MGC101-System führt automatisch Null-, Präzisions-, Messbereichs- und Mehrpunktkalibrierungen mit NO, NO2, SO2, CO, 03, Kohlenwasserstoffen und anderen Gasen durch.

Das MGC101-System führt automatisch Nullpunkt-, Präzisions-, Messbereichs- und Mehrpunktkalibrierungen mit NO, NO2, SO2, CO, 03, Kohlenwasserstoffen und anderen Gasen durch. Es erfüllt alle Anforderungen der US-Umweltschutzbehörde.

The instrument consists of a single chassis supporting 2 thermal mass flow controllers, an ozone generation module, a mixing zone, a reaction chamber for gas phase titration, and control electronics.
  • User-friendly interactive software simple to use, reducing technician training time and virtually eliminating error
  • Automatic calculation of dilution and span gas flows, based on commanded concentration, eliminates the need for any manual computation and allows rapid transition from point to point
  • Internally-stored mass flow controller calibration data improves accuracy (factor of ten) and simplifies field recalibration
  • Simultaneous connection from 1 to 4 gas cylinders (option for 5)
  • Easy programming with keyboard and pop-up menu
  • A utomatic calibration sequences programmation
  • LCD screen (4 lines / 20 characters)
  • Air quality monitoring stations and mobile laboratories for manual, automatic or remote calibration
  • Used as a reference calibrator in central station
  • Test of analyzers: Automatic zero, precision, span, multi-point calibration and gas phase titration (GPT)

  • Build-in permeation benches, for most of the certified permeation tubes disposable type (SO2, NO2, H2S, NH3…)
  • Other dilution ratios upon request
  • 3rd mass flow controller
  • UV Photometer
  • Solenoid valve on the outlet
  • Additional gas inlet